Monday, June 13, 2011

Saturday Lunchtime at PHX Art Museum Cafe

[Scene: Three middle-aged women at a table with salads and wine. Woman #2 has just revealed that her marriage had recently ended when her husband revealed that he as gay]

Woman #1: Did you ever have an inkling that he was gay?
Woman #2: Well, he's an artist. I always just thought he was creative and eccentric.

Jobot on a weekday afternoon

In a coffee shop with a hipster couple softly breaking up next to me. He is not being very communicative. She has red strappy shoes that make her more compelling and her Eastern European accented coos and giggles bring my ears to attention as I sit alone with them in the side room. Just feet from them. She admitted to using his Netflix account yesterday to watch movies even though they are on the rocks. He left the room to buy a Nutella crepe with strawberries on the side and no whipped cream. He offered her the last bite. She declined. "If I tell you that I like you, that's upsetting to you..." He chews.

Welcome to Overheard on RoRow

Hang out on Roosevelt Row long enough, you'll soon realize that people say a lot of cooky, funny, sad, profound, interesting, and, well, crazy shit. This blog's about sharing that and providing a little insight into the vibrant cast of characters that populates the slice of downtown PHX life that is RoRow.

The Editors